Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Facebook disabled Lindsay Lohans account -- thinking she's fake

La Lohan has taken to her MySpace Celebrity page to complain about another social network — Facebook!

In an entry titled “Upset with Facebook”, Lindsay writes, “Okay, so I love MySpace, because it is secure, and the people at MySpace don’t disable your account because they think that you are a fake you… Facebook allows a lot of posers, I thought maybe they would figure out that the posers of me, (and I am sure others on Facebook) were in fact posers by looking into their accounts, or sending emails to the people that they believed to be ‘posers’ which ask questions. What those questions may be.. I don’t know. Which is why I don’t run an interactive web site.

On that note, this is what happened to me earlier today… I signed onto Facebook with my new password because someone keeps hacking into my account, and when I typed my password and ‘log in’ name in, a red sentence came up saying..

Account Disabled. Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
“Wow! I was in shock. I clicked on the link that they told me to click on and then to another link that said: my account may of been disabled by mistake. once I got to that it gave a note saying why it was disabled which stated the note saying that it was disabled because they believe that I was a fake of myself. Genius. Here I am loving Facebook (as well as myspace-hehe) but going on Facebook to talk to some of my friends and they are thinking that I AM THE ‘FAKE’ OF MYSELF!!! Hahahahahaha.. at first I laughed, and then I got angry. Angry because, with ALL the people that PRETEND to be me on facebook, they decide to say I AM THE FAKE- of myself. All I can think is, WHO is running this site? and how can they just “disable” my account without first, sending me a warning notice, or AT LEAST asking me some account verification questions. here they are re-designing the look on the site when they should be setting up a more secure way of allowing people to set up an account. I wasn’t even under my name, I had a fake name on my account because, obviously I didn’t want everyone on Facebook to know it was me.

Maybe I am just venting, but I am also writing this blog in hopes that the people at Facebook will un-disable my account and allow me to sign in the EXACT same way it was, same friends, same emails, same ‘pets’ and so on.

Phew! I’m glad I got that off my chest, I needed to let it out somewhere, and MySpace has always been the best place for me to do it, especially if I hope for something to change….

love love love ,
Lindsay Dee

Oy vey! rumors.. Just to clear this up.. Because I have been getting a lot of emails asking me this one question. Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan (me) are NOT breaking up. xxLL“

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