Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Celebs vote too you know

Waddup with Christina's Bubblegum??

Stars made sure to vote in time and vote fashionably.

One of my faves.

Rachel Bilson walks out from a voting station in Hollywood with current boytoy, Hayden Christensen.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Family

Where's his Obama shirt?? ..i guess Ryan wants his votes to be a surprise

So when did Hayden P. stated wearing Fedoras??

WOW. She's a citizen??

Me don't know!

But i wonder if she can see in all that big darn sunglasses. I hope she voted it right.

Raisin Face voted too ..i wonder where is Nicole Richie??

Yea, wait for your turn Lo Bitchworth!

For the finale.

Uber hottie

Pete Wentz

isn't he so hot??

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