Friday, November 7, 2008

Rihanna passed out on stage

RiRi passed out on stage during her concert earlier today (November 7th) at the Acer Arena in Sydney, Australia.

Here’s how it went down: The 20-year-old Umbrella Singer was performing her smash hit “Umbrella”, the last song of her concert. She had just come down from flying around on a harness. Beau Chris Brown joined her on stage for the final performance of the night.

RiRi was then seen hunching over and signaling that she wasn’t feeling well. Rihanna then ran off stage, where paramedics rushed to her side. Chris continued to finish singing the song and then rushed backstage to Rihanna’s side.

The concert ended without any mention of what exactly happened.

Well that would really happen if you're like all work, no play.

Jeeeeeeeezzz Riri, take a fuckin' break. You're so overrated and overexposed. We wouldn't mind if you stay home for a while and get a break.

She just re-released GGGB, then made 2 new music videos, then 1 more. Then there's one stupid mediciore atrocious video with T.I., then next year she is releasing a new album. Oooow, how surprising.

Someone's working too hard. Honey, please take a damn rest.

or hey ..ARE YOU A ROBOT??

Well, you prove us not. Since, you already passed out. Hope you'll take that as your lesson.

Last month she is making music video for rehab, then after that go back on tour. Aren't you getting tired the same way we are getting tired from you??

Get well soon, Rihanna!

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